Check out the calendar to see when the next meeting or event is scheduled

Take Action
- Become involved and aware
- Join discussions on email distribution list for Protect Caswell. To join the list, see mailing list under Join.
- Participate in protests, letter writing campaigns, and calls for action.
- Learn the impacts and keep up to date. For information on the proposed projects, see
- Follow Protect Caswell on Facebook. Go to
- DONATE to the Protect Caswell. Donations will help pay for legal advice, road signs, and marketing. Mail your donation [made payable to Protect Caswell] to:
Protect Caswell
PO Box 32
Prospect Hill, NC 27314
- Write letters to the editors of local newspapers
- The Caswell Messenger
- The Caswell Connection
- The Roxboro Courier Times
- The News of Orange
- The Burlington Times News
- The Courier-Times
- Put up signs
- No Quarry
- No Asphalt Plant
- Expand awareness within the community
Questions and comments can be sent to